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16 Days of Activism

The latest project I did with the United Nations South Africa.


First of all, I’d like to give thanks to Natania Botha who approached me and Pinky Manganye, both of them assisted me with getting the wall done, along with other volunteers on a daily basis.


The Bootcamp took place on the 15th of December, the day before the unveiling of the wall. We engaged in couple of creativities and had a panel discussion about sustainable goal developments. In this presentation I was for the Arts as a TUT Alumni.

Wall unveiling

The unveiling of the wall gets to happen the following day. We were joined by Mrs Universe South Africa 2023.

Mrs Universe South Africa

It was such an honour to be gifted with the presence of Mrs Universe South Africa. Her Speech was very encouraging. And as a community we shall continue to join hands and work with each other. One of my biggest highlight of the day was when she also laid her hands to finally assist with the completion of the project. Thank you very much Bryoni Govender.

First Day of The Project

Thank you for taking your time to go through my work.

You can read more on Record Newspaper interview I did with them regarding this project.